Definition of Bicycle rack

1. Noun. A rack for parking bicycles.

Generic synonyms: Rack

Definition of Bicycle rack

1. Noun. A rack in which bicycles may be parked ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Bicycle Rack

bicycle chain
bicycle clip
bicycle clips
bicycle helmet
bicycle helmets
bicycle kick
bicycle kicks
bicycle lane
bicycle lanes
bicycle mail
bicycle path
bicycle pump
bicycle race
bicycle rack
bicycle racks
bicycle seat
bicycle stand
bicycle stands
bicycle traffic
bicycle wheel
bicyclic monoterpenol dehydrogenase

Literary usage of Bicycle rack

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Journal by Detroit (Mich.). City Council, Prince Edward Island. Legislative Council (1901)
"Atkinson: Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby granted to VS Guernsey to erect an ornamental bicycle rack and barber pole in front of 40 ..."

2. The Common Sense of Bicycling by Maria E. Ward (1896)
"A bicycle rack room should be light, with plenty of head room, and conveniently fitted with racks, shelves, and lockers. Each rack should have its ..."

3. Commercial Law by Darwin Curtis Gano, Samuel Colin Williams (1904)
"Nelson borrows a bicycle from Wood, rides it to a ball game, and leaves it in the bicycle rack unlocked. The bicycle is stolen. ..."

4. Gano's Commercial Law by Darwin Curtis Gano (1921)
"Nelson borrows a bicycle from Wood, rides it to a ball game, and leaves it in the bicycle rack unlocked. The bicycle is stolen. ..."

5. Technology Review by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Association of Class Secretaries, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Alumni Association (1900)
"... than it is at the Institute, where space can hardly be found for a tennis court or a bicycle rack, and students can only congregate in each other's way. ..."

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